Character Slides

(Want a choice board instead? Download the Character Choice Board).
Ideas for Using Character Slides:
1. Solo Character Exploration: Project the Character Slides onscreen and ask your students to consider each character's facial expression (relaxed or tight), body movement (fast or slow), gestures (big or small), voice (high or low), and energy level (hyper or lethargic). Consider providing props if students need help with more concrete exploration.
2. Build a Scene: Place students in pairs and project the Character Sides that show two characters on one slide. Ask each pair of students to create a short scene for those characters.
3. Ensemble Tableau: Place students in small groups and project the Character Slides that show three characters on one slide. Ask each group to create a tableau for the group of characters shown.
Benefits of Using Character Slides:
Visual Aid: Adding a visual element when teaching about characterization can enhance engagement and comprehension, making it easier for students to grasp different artistic elements such as facial expressions, body movements, and gestures.
Promotes Perspective-Taking: By exploring different characters, students are encouraged to consider and understand the unique viewpoints, emotions, and experiences of others. This cultivates empathy, expands their ability to see the world from different angles, and enhances their overall perspective-taking skills.
Supports Communication and Social Skills: Through group activities like building scenes or creating tableaus, students can develop important social skills such as teamwork, active listening, and effective communication.
Download the Character Choice Board , Creating Characters and Scenes.pdf or the Creating Characters and Scenes.pptx template to customize your own.