I Like, We Like

activities elementary highschool middleschool social-emotional learning theater warmups

We all know the feeling of walking into a room, seeing small clusters of people spread across the space, and not knowing where we belong. It's hard to feel disconnected. As an educator, it’s important for you to provide opportunities for your students to get to know one another in an engaging, pressure-free environment. I Like, We Like can help!

Check out this lesson from Teaching Theater to Students of Varied Abilities and download the lesson plan to follow along.


Here’s how it works:

Objective: Students will make connections, increase social skills, and feel a sense of belonging.

  1. Ask everyone to spread out across the room.
  2. One person announces something they like.
  3. Anyone else who likes that same thing walks over to the person who shared, forming a small huddle.
  4. Someone else, who is not in the huddle, announces something they like, repeating the process.



Level Down

  • Offer a choice board to students who need additional support
  • Play as a group, putting one person at a time in the middle of the circle to share
  • Play "Four Corners" by providing four options and asking students to walk to the corner that expresses their preference (Download Example Slides)


Level Up

  • Play until no participant is standing alone and the room is full of huddles


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