Identity Web Monologues

activities movement social-emotional learning theater

Many students—regardless of intellectual ability—have trouble connecting with their peers. Creating Identity Web Monologues can help!

Objective: Students will synthesize personal experience into art, leading to better connections and increased participation.


Here’s how it works: 

1.  Fill out your identity web with images or words.

2. Find a partner. Share 3-4 facts from your web with your partner.

3. Choose 1 fact from your web. Prepare a story you’re comfortable sharing that has to do with that fact (ex. My favorite animal is a turtle, so I am going to share the story of when I got my pet turtle.)

4. Perform the story as a monologue.


Level Down:

  • Customize or simplify the Identity Web (Editable)
  • Use a Monologue Template (.pdf file or .docx file)
  • Student stands while the instructor reads the monologue
  • Pair the student with a partner who can help structure their monologue
  • Pantomime the monologue
  • Memorize the monologue
  • Add physicality, music, or sound
  • Peer feedback and revision process
  • Swap stories and perform partner's monologue or sequence
  • Students swap webs to create a monologue as if they were playing their partner as a character


Level Up:



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