Peer Appreciation Circle

Facilitate a peer appreciation circle to recognize and celebrate student growth and achievements.
Here's how it works:
1. Arrange the seating: Set up chairs or create a circle with cushions on the floor to encourage a sense of togetherness.
2. Explain the purpose: Let the students know this is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments and positive qualities of their classmates. Emphasize the importance of respect and genuine appreciation during this activity.
3. Set the guidelines: Establish guidelines to ensure a safe and supportive environment. Some guidelines may include:
- Practice eye contact.
- Speak from the heart and be genuine in your appreciation.
- Use positive and respectful language.
- Listen attentively to others and maintain a supportive atmosphere.
- Avoid interrupting or making negative comments.
4. Provide prompts: Offer prompts to help students express their appreciation. You can use the following prompts or create your own based on the dynamics of your classroom:
- "I appreciate [Classmate's Name] because..."
- "One thing [Classmate's Name] did this year that I found inspiring was..."
- "I am grateful for [Classmate's Name] because..."
- "I noticed [Classmate's Name] grow in [specific area/quality] this year, and I admire that because..."
- "I would like to recognize [Classmate's Name] for their contribution in [specific project/activity] because..."
5. Start the appreciation circle: Begin with a volunteer or randomly select a student to start the circle. They can choose a prompt from the list or come up with their own statement. After expressing their appreciation, the person being acknowledged can say "thank you" or share a response if they wish.
6. Continue the circle: Move clockwise or randomly around the circle, giving each student an opportunity to share their appreciation for a new classmate. Encourage active listening and remind students to be attentive and respectful when others are speaking.
7. Conclude the circle: Once everyone has had a chance to share their appreciation, thank the students for their participation and acknowledge the support they have shown. Invite your students to close their eyes, if comfortable, and lead three deep breaths before asking them to open their eyes again.
It is essential to create an environment where all students feel comfortable participating. If a student prefers not to share or receive appreciation publicly, respect their decision and provide an alternative option for expressing gratitude privately (ex. writing a note).
- Simplify prompts and language: Use simplified language, shorter sentences, and concrete examples to make it easier for students to participate. For example:"
- I like you because...
- You are really good at...
- I am happy you are my friend because...
- Thank you for helping me with...
- Provide visual supports: Incorporate visual supports to enhance comprehension and communication. Use aids such as pictures, symbols, or simple illustrations to accompany the prompts or represent different emotions and responses. Visual supports can help neurodivergent students better understand the activity and express their thoughts and appreciation.
- Offer personalized assistance: Assign a classroom aide to provide individualized support. If needed, the aide can assist with explaining the prompts or facilitating communication.
Peer appreciation circles help foster a sense of belonging, strengthen relationships, and create a positive classroom culture. Let's celebrate and uplift each other's achievements and growth throughout the year!