Scenario Slides

Are you looking to ignite your students' creativity and improvisational skills? Get ready to dive into the world of Scenario Slides! These slides present various scenarios for students to act out, whether it's for improv exercises, warm-ups, or scene work. Watch as your students bring these scenarios to life and unlock their theatrical potential. (Want a choice board instead? Download the Scenario Choice Board).
Ideas for Using Scenario Slides:
Improv Warm-Ups: Display the slides on a screen or distribute printed copies. As a group, work through each slide. Encourage spontaneity and different character choices that can be made within the scenario.
Scene Development: Scenario slides are a great tool for scene development. Assign pairs or small groups of students a slide and ask them to develop a longer scene based on the scenario provided. Encourage them to explore the relationships between characters, establish objectives and obstacles, and create engaging dialogue. This exercise helps students hone their storytelling abilities and develop cohesive and dynamic scenes.
Improv Performances: Organize improv performances using scenario slides. Divide your class into teams and have them select a slide at random. Each team then has a set amount of time to prepare and perform an improvised scene based on the scenario they receive. This activity encourages teamwork, quick thinking, and adaptability while providing an opportunity for students to showcase their improvisational skills in a fun and supportive environment.
Download the Scenario Choice Board, Scenario Slides.pdf or the Scenario Slides.pptx template to customize your own.